“Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” Luke 2:49
I want to share three things I have learned about having a baby thus far:
- Jesus is living in Blaise
- Nurse Blaise all the time (hurts himself, tired, cry/fussy, extra squirmy)
- Play with Jacob and Blaise every day without technology

1. Jesus is living in Blaise
Mary and Joseph were seeking their lost child for three days. Jesus is always with us, but we may not be able to see/feel His Presence. Mary expresses her motherly heart at the pain of losing her son for three days when she says, “Your father and I were very worried while searching for you” (Luke 2:48).
As faithful Christians we become lost, worried, and anxious when we can’t see or feel Jesus next to us. Where is Jesus …when I feel confused and alone? …When I see my husband suffer? …When I am misunderstood? …When I see others suffering?

One beautiful reminder that Our Father gave me this Christmas season is that I can ALWAYS find Jesus in my son, Blaise. Just as Jesus came to us as a baby dependent completely upon his mother and father, God blessed Jacob and I with Blaise who depends totally on us.
“For I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me into your house. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to see me” (Matthew 25:35-36)
All these needs can be seen in children. Jesus calls us as parents to fulfill His needs by serving our children generously. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph perfectly lived out the selfless love God asks for a family. They were the most beautiful, loving, and simple family. They were one man, one sinless woman, and one God-man baby. Yet we should model their love.
As a mother my life is not my own. My Heavenly Father first has my heart. My daily bread is the Eucharist (daily Mass) and Mary (daily rosary). Next I am given to Jacob, my spouse. Then I am given to Blaise, our son. Usually Blaise demands more of my attention because of his helplessness as an infant. This is okay and this is good.
How would our Blessed Mother love her Son? That is what I aim for. Jesus was still human. He probably cried, but Our Lady was always right there to nurse, clothe, comfort, change, play with, protect, warm, and tickle her Son. If I am serving Jesus in our son, Blaise, then I must “make haste” to answer his cries and his needs.

2. Nurse Blaise all the time
I quickly learned that the idea of putting our baby on a schedule of eating and sleeping was not fruitful. In order to be nursing Blaise, I found it easiest to have him with me almost all of the time, especially since he doesn’t take a bottle. Here is a beautiful website helping mother’s to gently parent and breastfeed their children (catholicbreastfeeding.org).
If he is acting hungry, then without much thought, I offer him food. If he hurts himself from trying to walk, then I nurse him. If he starts to fuss or cry, I nurse him. If he just ate and is still acting hungry or unhappy, then I nurse him. If he is tired, I nurse him.
“[Breastfeeding] benefits the child and helps to create the closeness and maternal bonding so necessary for healthy child development. So human and natural is this bond that the Psalms use the image of the infant at its mother’s breast as a picture of God’s care for man…” –St. John Paul II
He won’t always want to nurse (75% of the time he quickly refuses). The beauty of nursing that God has given us mothers is that it serves so many purposes. Sometimes he just wants to be comforted and close to me. Sometimes he is tired and nursing helps him to fall into a deep sleep. Sometimes he is just really hungry. Sometimes he wants a quick snack. Sometimes it helps clear out his intestines 🙂
Danielle Rose has a beautiful song called “A Mother’s Communion” about our sacrifice as mothers like the sacrifice of Jesus.

3. Play with Jacob and Blaise every day without technology
Everyday as a married couple we should find joy together in our son. He isn’t a distraction that pulls apart our marriage. He is the very fruit of our marriage. He is the JOY that reminds us of God’s goodness.

I love seeing Jacob playing ball with Blaise and him crawling after it with a most determined face.
Jesus, please help us to imitate your Holy Family.
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND JACOB AND BLAISE!! We have enjoyed keeping track of you through the blog and continue to pray every morning for the Lord to bless, guide and protect all three of you! Love seeing pictures of Blaise. Hold him close – he will grow up soooo fast!!
Paul and Marilyn deMahy
What a decision! What an adventure! What a story to be told! My offer of prayers, love, and support continue to be with you! Always trusting the three of you are in the grip of God’s hands, may He guide and protect you. Thankful for the means to follow your story and watch all of you, as you bless others!