Winter 2024-2025: Baby Mariella Arrives!
On Friday, November 15th, at 4:30PM, the godparents of Ksenia (our six year old daughter) came to visit us in Oshkosh. We were staying at my parents house there because we were planning to have a home birth. Our son ...

Fall 2024: Pray for Souls
This picture of the northern lights was taken from our yard. It was our first time experiencing them. Fall is a beautiful time of year. The leaves begin to change color and the bugs begin to die. Last year, I ...

Summer 2024: A Beautiful Mix
This is our yard. We have only two push mowers to mow the lawn. Haha crazy isn't it? Only once this year did we pay our great neighbor to mow for us. He made it look beautiful so we took ...

Spring 2024: There and Back Again
This past winter, we moved to Pennsylvania to live near other homeschooling Catholic families. In our past blog, I highlighted the great opportunity this was and the process of making that decision for our family. As we settled into the ...

Winter 2023-2024 – Conquer (Moving to Pennsylvania)
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! I have a new song for you. A little bit of a new style of playing guitar. I hope you enjoy it. Besides sharing this song, I look forward to giving you an update on ...

Fall 2023 – The Lonely Road of Discipleship (Trip to Peru)
Sometimes following Christ is not easy and we have to rely completely upon Him instead of human consolation. But we are never truly alone. Though invisible to us, God always remains with us along with His Angels and Saints. Visible ...

Life is Short
Summer has arrived! Busy times. This blog is pretty straightforward - an easy quick read. Thanks for your support of my music! I have a new song entitled "Life is Short". This song was inspired by our dog Teka after ...

April was Kingly
April seemed to both fly by and linger forever. The weather sure made it seem slow at times. On April 1st, we were pelted with over 15 inches of snow! Besides that, a lot has been going on in our ...

MarchSanity (Not Madness)
March has come and past! After losing Teka, we felt like something was missing in our family. We have a new dog! We know he will be different than Teka and that she cannot be replaced. We are grateful for ...

Flourishing in February?
Greetings! Winter is still going strong up here in the north woods. I hope you have all been well. Up here we have found a new family hobby. Snowboarding. Mostly through facebook marketplace, I was able to find some great ...

Good Bye Teka
January has come and past. I just released a brand new song! Fabian turned three! We also have a bit of sad news to share with you. We had to say good bye to our dog Teka. It was way ...

Hello 2023
Happy 2023! Here is an update on what has been happening in my life and music! Life has been good to us and we have a lot to be grateful for entering into the new year! Baby Frederic Thomas Rudd has ...

Psalm 1 & I Am With You Always
I hope all is well! I am sorry that I let so much time pass by without giving an update. It has been a time of discernment and blessings, mixed with trials and triumphs. I will share with you first the ...