3. Families at His Feet
As you may or may not know, I have experience leading holy hours of Eucharistic Adoration. While at Franciscan University, I was blessed to meet Fr. Antoine Thomas. He is priest and monk of the Community of St. John and the founder of an apostolate called Children of Hope. He taught my friend and I how to lead children in adoration through small periods of silence, simple prayers, acts of prostration, music, the rosary, and Scripture. He is an amazing teacher and very authentic.
As a former seminarian and as a married man, I have led family holy hours. We have moved so often that I haven’t been able to do it consistently. Since October, I have been leading a holy hour every Wednesday evening at my parish at St. Agnes. Once a month, the children of the RE class are strongly encouraged to come with their parents.
I have named this holy hour “Families at His Feet”. I am hoping to combine my concerts at parishes by also doing a “Families at His Feet” holy hour. This ministry/apostolate has the potential to be more than holy hours, but for now I it would be a big step to bring this simple yet powerful way of getting families together in front of the Eucharist to the places I perform my music.
Here is a recent video of Fr. Antoine:
Awesome 🙏🎚